Today was attempt #1 at retrobrite-ing some of my old Apple stuff. I'm starting with an old ADB keyboard and mouse. Here are the 'before' pictures A lot of the online documentation recommends using either (a) sunlight or (b) a UV light. Since its still winter in Iowa, outdoor sunlight really isn't an option. And, I don't have a budget for a UV light right now. So.... I'm giving my plant lights a try. - First, I disassembled the devices and pulled all of the keys off, using my awesome key puller . (Definitely worth the $5.99!) - Next, soaked all of the plastic parts in the sink with some dish soap. Scrubbed them with an old toothbrush and rinsed everything. - Using gloves and a foam brush, liberally applied some 40 volume cream hair developer to all of the parts and wrapped them in saran wrap or put them in a Ziploc bag. - Added some water to a clear plastic storage tote, put it on a plant warming mat and turned on the plant lights. Why ...