Installing Qemu on MacOS Yosemite

So, today I tried downloading/building Qemu on my MacBook running Yosemite (OSX 10.10). Here's what I had to do to make it happen....

  • Install MacPorts:
  • Update MacPorts
    sudo port selfupdate
  • Accept the Xcode license:
    sudo xcodebuild -license
  • Install Xcode command line utils:
    xcode-select --install
  • Install the following 'port' packages
    sudo port
    install libtool
    install autoconf
    install automake
    install glib2
    install pkgconfig
    install libpixman
  • Run configure
    ./configure --target-list=ppcemb-softmmu,ppc-softmmu
  • Run make
    • While trying to build the qemu binaries, the link failed for a couple of the test applications. These (probably) aren't needed, so we can just ignore them. To resolve that, use the workaround here:
      touch /pixman/test/region-testtouch /pixman/test/scaling-helpers-test
    • Then, run make again
  • Install Qemu (optional)
    sudo make install
Now, if you did the 'make install' step, you should be able to run the qemu tools from the command line.

Reference links:

  • Qemu Mac build/install instructions:

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